Oral therapy with expectorants

ORAL THERAPY WITH EXPECTORANTS I. V. Lunichkina, V. N. Solopov Summary Comparative effectiveness of oral expectorants lasolvan, bromhexine and mucodyne has been studied with respect to their effect on the expectoration rate and rheological sputum properties, adhesiveness and viscid-elasticity. Lasolvan and Bromhexine have effect predominantly …

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Expectoration Disturbances and Bronchial Obstruction

Expectoration Disturbances and Bronchial Obstruction V.N. Solopov, I.V. Lunichkina Medical Center «PuImonologist», Moscow, USSR Key Words. Asthma, Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, Cough efficacy, Expectorants, Ambroxol, Bromhexine, S-Carboxymethylcysteine, Acetylcysteine, Sodium bicarbonate. Abstract. Two methods for the efficacy evaluation of the respiratory tract clearance by cough, measuring …

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